
661. Company data – Transfer employees to another branch/department

ebroker, allows you to move your employees from one branch and/or department to another. Just go to Company data > Organization > Structure. Locate and select the employee you want to move from the branch/department and click on the Move to... option, a window will open where you can indicate the Branch and Department to which they will be transferred. After that, click OK to complete the process.

2023-04-28T08:13:11+02:0028 April 2023|Tags: , |

587 Model contracts.

ebroker, has a section that contains the models of the different contractual documents that will be used in the system for legal formalization with clients or commercial entities. In addition to the predefined ones, you can register other models, for this, you have the option "New" that enables the edition of the form in which you must supply the identifying data of the new model and then edit and make the template Corresponding word.

2021-07-23T17:38:44+02:0023 July 2021|Tags: |
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