Management control

678. Mass sending of policy adjustments to clients

ebroker allows you to send mass shipments of policy adjustments to your clients. Go to Administration > Management control > Regularizations and, in the list of policies, select those for which you want to send to clients, until the green check appears. At the top right, click on the option Send adjustments of selected policies to clients. ebroker will ask you to select the email template, which you must have previously created in Control Panel > Email > Templates (Type: Regularizations). If any policy among those selected has a status of Pending Customer Response, a message will appear saying "Policies have been identified to which the message has already been sent. Do you want to continue?"

2023-09-19T09:02:46+02:00September 15, 2023|Tags: , , |

677. Management control – Pending supplements

ebroker allows you to keep track of the policies whose supplements have not yet been received by the brokerage. To do this, go to Administration > Management Control > Pending Supplements. Here, a list of policies with supplements pending receipt will be displayed. By double clicking on each record, you will be directed directly to the Policy Supplements tab. At the bottom of the module, there are different filters to adjust your search, being able to indicate the company, managing branch, managing user and age of the supplements. Also, in the upper right, you have the option to download the list of pending supplements in PDF or CSV by clicking on the Print list icon, and download a claim document in the Claim icon.

2023-09-15T08:07:16+02:00September 8, 2023|Tags: , , |

666. Management control – Policies in suspension of guarantees

ebroker, allows you to control your policies in SUSPENSION OF GUARANTEES status. You can find the list of these policies in Administration > Management control > Suspension of guarantees. The SUSPENSION OF GUARANTEES status indicates that the policy has exceeded the grace period mechanized at the company level in Companies > Basic > Parameters, section Days susp. guarantee.

2023-06-02T07:57:16+02:002 June, 2023|Tags: , |
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