The first adaptation that we will make is related to the revision of the planning and rules in the policy of access to the system (passwords).

In order to provide our users with the maximum support and assistance in complying with the new legal obligations related to the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation), which will be mandatory from the 25 of May of 2018, we are working on a set of ebroker performances and updates.

In the following video we give you all the details of the first adaptation we will make:

1 We increase the security of the system by making the password change mandatory:

  • The first time you enter ebroker.
  • When the password has expired.

2 In an environment fully parameterizable The system administrator can design an access policy in the following points:

  • Password patterns (including uppercase, lowercase, numbers or other characters).
  • Minimum length.
  • Validity.
  • History of last passwords that prevents the repeated use of them.

In the next communication, we will talk about data encryption.

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