90% already work or have contemplated starting to work with the functionality.

This morning we have carried out a free webinar to inform the users of our platform of the Electronic signature of documents, functionality recently implemented and integrated into ebroker. For some time we have been developing different solutions in order to improve the operational efficiency of our broker channel. Within these solutions, the electronic signature leads the change in business technological transformation.

The session, which was attended by more than 400 professionals, of which 90% are already working or have contemplated starting to work with the functionality, began with Higinio Iglesias relating the development of the electronic signature with operational efficiency, a strategic objective for ebroker.

For Higinio Iglesias, CEO of ebroker: «In a brokerage it is necessary to sign many papers, many days and to do it in addition to a way highly efficient. Efficiency is defined as achieving something with the least amount of resources possible: in our case, time and the costs associated with time. The electronic signature process that we are talking about today has to do with this, with efficiency. A tool that saves you time, based on a simple electronic process, highly integrated into ebroker operations and that improves the experience and conveys a certain modernity among customers in something as formal as signing a contract«.

Next, Eva García, a consultant and expert in Technology Training, demonstrated the different functionalities in a practical way and taught the attendees the operation and the complete signing process, by the client and the broker. A process that, as could be seen in the presentation, is agile, easy and intuitive.

Thirdly, Mónica García, Commercial Director of ebroker, showed, based on the previous demonstration, the benefits and advantages of this functionality, among which the following stand out: automatic and complete integration of all processes and documents in ebroker, monitoring and control total signature status, the reduction of administrative burdens and associated costs, and finally, traceability and full legal legality guaranteed by the specialist company and one of the leaders in the sector of certified electronic document communications such as Lleida.net.

Nuria Alfaro, Director of Marketing and Communication, was in charge of introducing the participants and attendees to the session and collecting and moderating the question and answer session that arose as a result of the presentation.

From ebroker we continue to evolve and implement technological solutions that add value and operational efficiency to the daily professional work of the insurance broker.
