Nº 589 September 03, 2021

ebroker: Audit certificate.

ebroker, allows you to generate an Audit Certification of the business that a client maintains with the brokerage.

The Certificate includes the receipts for policies contracted with the intervention of the mediator and the claims included in the date range selected to apply to the report.

  • The receipts to include in the report can be filtered by "Effect date" (Default option) or by «date of issue" (Checking "Apply condition of dates on receipt issuance date").
  • The report includes, by default, the claims of the period that they have any payment; if we also want to include those that do not have any payment, we must mark the check "Apply condition of dates on the date of occurrence of the loss."



 You just have to go to ... 

Clients> Listings> Audit certificate

